Backing a person who is already in a great deal of mental anguish and pain into a corner, theoretical and physical, is a recipe for disaster. Prisons do nothing but encourage those within them to reoffend if they ever get out, for the outside world offered them nothing to begin with and the prisons inflict upon them some kind of Stockholm syndrome. They end up living to reoffend so as not to have to live in the societal conditions we’ve subjected them to. People who have faced or are facing prison deserve respect, dignity, and rehabilitation. Otherwise we are, in a sense, “asking for it” when they react violently to the trauma of being locked away like caged animals.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
prisons don't solve the issues that cause harm. (issues being poverty, patriarchy, racism, exploitation, borders etc)
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
People aren't given any opportunities upon release, so inevitably many turn back to crime.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Monica Estrada
I believe that prisons are necessary for very violent people and the criminally insane. I do not agree with individuals making a profit off people and their families.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Callie Weston
Prisons close off parts of a town. Few people go in on a daily basis. Those locked in cannot come out. Behind prison walls are people who we can have no contact with. We do not know how the prisoners are being treated. Unknowingly we, as residents of the town, interact with those who are holding prisoners captive. In so doing we are validating what they are doing. Conversely we are making those inside feel like lepers. We know nothing about them but surely hey feel shunned, unable to express themselves. There is fear on all sides.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
They create monsters, if someone is not a monster when they go in...theres a good chance they will be a monster when they get out.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Sara Henry Thomas
If it were a perfect system, and it’s not, reservoir that is a prison might be holding those inclined toward dangerous behavior only holds them for so long, releasing them with fewer resources and more desperation than they had before. Putting a person in a cage does not improve anybody’s life.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Prisons are used as a way to lock up people who dont necessarily do harm, but anyone who breaks laws. There are not many if any prisons that aim to create programs that might actually benefit those that do cause harm. Prisons are just a way to monetize and control populations of people deemed inferior to the white capitalistic society we live in
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Khalid Abdul Salaam
Due especially to the racial disparity in the system. Being a black man I feel less safe,due the reduction in number of black men in the community, meaning less solidarity, which translates into vulnerability.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
They are focused on punishment rather than reintegration. Their presence is violent to humans in the system, which makes a violent society a reality.
Bailey Franklin
Backing a person who is already in a great deal of mental anguish and pain into a corner, theoretical and physical, is a recipe for disaster. Prisons do nothing but encourage those within them to reoffend if they ever get out, for the outside world offered them nothing to begin with and the prisons inflict upon them some kind of Stockholm syndrome. They end up living to reoffend so as not to have to live in the societal conditions we’ve subjected them to. People who have faced or are facing prison deserve respect, dignity, and rehabilitation. Otherwise we are, in a sense, “asking for it” when they react violently to the trauma of being locked away like caged animals.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
prisons don't solve the issues that cause harm. (issues being poverty, patriarchy, racism, exploitation, borders etc)
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
People aren't given any opportunities upon release, so inevitably many turn back to crime.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Monica Estrada
I believe that prisons are necessary for very violent people and the criminally insane. I do not agree with individuals making a profit off people and their families.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Callie Weston
Prisons close off parts of a town. Few people go in on a daily basis. Those locked in cannot come out. Behind prison walls are people who we can have no contact with. We do not know how the prisoners are being treated. Unknowingly we, as residents of the town, interact with those who are holding prisoners captive. In so doing we are validating what they are doing. Conversely we are making those inside feel like lepers. We know nothing about them but surely hey feel shunned, unable to express themselves. There is fear on all sides.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
They create monsters, if someone is not a monster when they go in...theres a good chance they will be a monster when they get out.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Sara Henry Thomas
If it were a perfect system, and it’s not, reservoir that is a prison might be holding those inclined toward dangerous behavior only holds them for so long, releasing them with fewer resources and more desperation than they had before. Putting a person in a cage does not improve anybody’s life.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Prisons are used as a way to lock up people who dont necessarily do harm, but anyone who breaks laws. There are not many if any prisons that aim to create programs that might actually benefit those that do cause harm. Prisons are just a way to monetize and control populations of people deemed inferior to the white capitalistic society we live in
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
Khalid Abdul Salaam
Due especially to the racial disparity in the system. Being a black man I feel less safe,due the reduction in number of black men in the community, meaning less solidarity, which translates into vulnerability.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016
They are focused on punishment rather than reintegration. Their presence is violent to humans in the system, which makes a violent society a reality.
11:11 AM | April 5, 2016