Exhibition & Events

Thursday, March 1, 2018

NJ: Buffet Dinner, Exhibit Tour, and Production of The Castle

6 PM to 9 PM

Mabel Smith Douglass Room, Douglass Library

8 Chapel Dr

New Brunswick, NJ 08901


This event begins with a buffet dinner, followed by guided tours of the States of Incarceration exhibition given by undergraduate students who are training as docents and dialogue facilitators at the Aresty Research Institute. The evening will conclude with a production of The Castle, a play produced by The Fortune Society and directed by Eric Krebs. It casts formerly incarcerated individuals in a theatrical production exploring issues related to parole, release, and social integration.

6 PM to 9 PM

Mabel Smith Douglass Room, Douglass Library

8 Chapel Dr

New Brunswick, NJ 08901