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Rhode Island

A new Rhode Island state commission will study solitary confinement. Do you think prisons should use solitary confinement?

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solitary confinement is torture plain and simple

1:01 AM | August 3, 2020

Belinda Bossom

The Penality for their crime has already been imposed. Solitary confinement should only be imposed on prisoners who are a constant threat to other inmates & still should not be excessive unless the situation is thoroughly looked into & perhaps a board voted on the decision.

5:05 AM | June 23, 2020

Carolyn W Herz

It is cruel and unusual punishment and impairs prisoners mental health sometimes permanently.

3:15 PM | May 14, 2017


Solitary confinement is known to be abusive and to case mental illness. It should not be used.

12:12 PM | September 16, 2016