
"Mistaken for a Maniac"

Indianapolis Leader, January 7, 1882, p4.
How would it feel to be removed from recognizable surroundings and held in confinement due to a lack of being able to communicate? Not allowed to explain, not allowed to leave. That is what happened for William Knapp of Indianapolis, a German who was wrongly arrested and taken to Central State Hospital. According to the article, he made repeated attempts to express he was not the right man, but each time the confrontation escalated until he was bound with ropes. Then, when the arresting officers brought him to Central State, it was discovered that he was the wrong man and was eventually released. Due to a lack of being able to communicate, drastic measures were taken to “capture” him. This article brings up several questions: How is this historical example reflective of contemporary practices? How often do confrontations escalate that could be prevented with appropriate crisis intervention teams? Look at the language used to describe Knapp – “maniac,” “lunatic,” “crazy”; what does the use of such terms indicate about a greater societal stigma of people with mental illness?