A Legacy of Prison Abolitionism: Anthony Rayson (1954- )

In showing the experience and humanity of prisoners, Rayson urged those outside of prison walls to attune themselves to the “powerful education of which prisoners are capable,” noting that “without the humanity, freedom, and counsel from conscious prisoners, I myself would be in a constant state of dread and despair.” Image from Anthony Rayson Zine Collection. Back cover of Thought Bombs Issue #6 (featuring image of prison activist George Jackson [1941-1971]). (Quote found in Prisons & Society, self-published zine. Rayson, Anthony. Prisons & Society ([1999-2007]). Anthony Rayson Zine Collection, box 2, folder entitled “Mini Zines/Prisons&Society, 1999-2007.” DePaul University Special Collections and Archives.)
Courtesy of: Anthony Rayson (collection at DePaul University Special Collections and Archives).
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